Do you ever feel like you’re living in a crazy world? On our recent Love University show, we answered your questions about how to survive and thrive in difficult and challenging times. With the weapons of love and inner power you will gain, you can triumph over any difficulty. You can reach your highest potential of Invincibility. Here are some of the reader questions we answered, and the powerful tools we discussed for your continued joy and excellence:
*How can I handle people problems? The answer is simple. Get rid in yourself anything that you don’t like in others. If you’re tired of vanity and lies in others, get rid of these traits in yourself. If you’re tired of selfishness in others, get rid of it in yourself. Instead of complaining about other people, strive to change yourself. Elevate yourself to a psychological point where you are no longer bothered by the bad behavior of others. When you do this, you will be a role model of excellence, love, and contribution, and you will attract the people and circumstances that harmonize with your true nature.
*Why is it so hard for me to relax? Because you fear the very relaxation you say you seek. You assume that tension is a power that keeps your life together. You believe that the Internet and phone is what keeps your life moving, and without it, your life would stop. It won’t. Try an experiment. Take a technology fast—put away your technological devices—and sit quietly somewhere. Observe your feelings when nothing particularly important is going on in your life. Part of your mind will be restless, yelling at you, “Get up and go. You’re wasting time. You’re missing out on something important.” But, you will also hear a quiet, still voice that says: “I can relax and be peaceful just sitting here.” The key to relaxation is for you to nurture the calm and peaceful voice. When you do that, relaxation will come to you naturally.
*My confidence is shattered. I can’t reach my goals. Why is the whole world against me? The whole world is not against you. You are against you. The You that represents your self-defeating mind (negative, destructive) is fighting against the part of your mind that is Invincible (positive, healing, loving). It’s an illusion that you’re fighting against external obstacles, people, and circumstances. What you need to do is increase your Invincible Mind. You need to elevate your mindset into one of Invincibility to be equal to the task you have set for yourself—to achieve excellence in your career, finances, relationships, and health. Listen to the Love University and Invincible You podcasts, read self-help books, meditate, be kind to others, work on yourself. When you focus on increasing your Invincible Mind, you will no longer have to worry against fighting against the world. You will be victorious.
It is possible to live happily and powerfully in a confusing and challenging world. You can do this because your inner world is Invincible. When you have an Invincible mind, you can easily handle people problems, relax and rejuvenate your energies, and achieve your goals and dreams. Invincibility is within your grasp. Just reach out and claim your destiny as a creation of the Higher Nature who is filled with majesty, power, and love.