There is great power in reversal—doing the opposite of what you’ve been doing to get the opposite of what you’ve been getting. Here are some life-changing reversals we learned on the Invincible You Podcast that can transform your life and help you reach your dreams: *Use Reversal on the Money Game: To get more money into your life, give more money to worthy causes and needy individuals. When you do this, the floodgate of prosperity will open for you.
*Have a Reverse Birthday: On your birthday, focus on giving gifts instead of just receiving them. You can help a friend organize their house, babysit their dog or kids, or take them out to eat or to a movie. In this way, you can show your appreciation and gratitude for the loved ones in your life.
*Reverse Time: To get more time into your life, give more of your time to others. Linger with a friend over a cup of coffee as you listen to their stories. Help out at a homeless shelter. Spend time with family or friends in a nature outing, or just hang around the house playing games and laughing. Like a child, the time in your life will slow down when you take the time to have fun and relax.
*Be Grateful for the Good as Well as the Bad: When you suffer a setback, strive to see the lesson or benefit in the loss. Maybe you lost a relationship or job, but you realize that there is a better one coming your way. Perhaps you learned valuable lessons from the mistakes you made and you will act differently the next time. There is no true loss when you look for the positive in every situation.
If you’re stuck in life, you can get out of your rut with a few simple reversals. Reverse the money game by giving. Reverse time by lingering. And be grateful for everything that happens to you because you can become a wiser and stronger person. Reverse your everyday habits and you will find yourself reaching farther in your dreams than you ever thought possible.