Imagine if you went to the top of a mountain and learned the secrets of happiness? Would you apply the secrets to make your life joyful? If the answer is “yes,” then you are like our protagonist, Harry, a pompous psychiatrist who finds inner joy, in this week’s story on Love University, Invincible You Special Edition.
Our new Invincible You Special Edition series on Love University teaches you how to create self-love and self-empowerment. In the process, you will skyrocket your contentment, success and inner and outer riches. In this week’s Special Edition, you will learn how Harry meets the happy martial arts master, Tanaka, and loses his preconceived notions of happiness to find true lasting contentment.
According to the great Tanaka, you have a True Mind and a False Mind. The False Part of your mind is weak and self-attacking. It vibrates with the bitterness, sarcasm, and insults of the world. Your True Mind, on the other hand, is the powerful and positive part of your mind. It is strong and secure, and is immune from the negative energy of the world. Your goal, says Tanaka, is to eradicate the False Mind and build up your beautiful and joyful True Mind so you can have lasting and consistent happiness.
Are you ready to meet master Tanaka and begin your journey to joy, excellence, and greatness?