How to Be Invincible: The Secrets to Lasting Peace, Love, and Power

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For your copy of Invincible You, go to: INVINCIBLE YOU: DISCOVER YOUR INNER POWER AND ACHIEVE YOUR HEART'S DESIRES - Kindle edition by AVILA, ALEXANDER. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @

Would you like to be Invincible and achieve your heart’s desires?  Now you can by learning the secrets of mental and spiritual invincibility.  In Dr. Avila’s Invincible You Series on Love University, you will learn how to get rid of your Self-Defeating Mind (“I’m not good enough) and replace it with your Invincible Mind. Your Invincible Mind tells you: “You’ve got this. You’re smart, beautiful, loving, and talented. You will achieve your dreams.”

Here are 3 simple steps to reach your highest Invincible Mind potential:

*Give what you want most.  Here’s an interesting paradox:  Give to others what you most desire to have.  If you want love in your life, be more loving to others—smile at them, compliment them sincerely, listen empathetically to what they have to say.  Your loneliness and shyness will vanish as you give more love to others and receive love in return. If you need money, give some money (or time and energy) to charity or a worthy cause.  When you give what you need most, you expand your energy to focus more on the positive aspects of life. You begin to attract people and favorable circumstances because you are increasing your positive input into the world, which, in turn, will be returned to you, often in surprising ways. Try it this week: Give more love, time, money, and energy to others, and you will be amazed at how much positivity and good results will flow back to you.

*Forgive yourself.  You may be able to forgive others for wrongs committed, but it may be hard for you to forgive yourself.  You may be hard on yourself; critiquing yourself mercilessly for your mistakes and weaknesses; experiencing regrets for your setbacks and failures in life.  Begin today to forgive yourself for any real or imagined mistakes you may have made in the past, or any errors that you may make in the future. When you hurt yourself or others in the past, you were at a certain grade level in psychological development; perhaps 5th grade. Now, as you grow and mature, you will be at a higher grade level—perhaps high school or college—and you won’t make the same mistakes. You will have command over your thoughts and feelings, and you will take decisive and appropriate actions. It’s true, when you forgive yourself, you will also love yourself. When you love yourself, you have more love to give to others, and you will receive more love and goodwill in return.

*Practice gratitude daily.   Researchers have found that grateful people are more empathetic, less aggressive and depressed, and enjoy better sleep.  When you suffer a setback or experience a problem in life, you may ask, “Why do I get all the bad luck?”  A better question to ask is “How can I give thanks for what I have already been given, including my very life?”  This question liberates you from having a self-centered mindset and places your attention on the goodness of the Universe—thereby lifting your spirits tremendously.  You reverse your focus from “Poor Me” to “Blessed I.”  You can uplift your gratitude by keeping a Gratitude Journal.  Every day, write down three things you’re grateful for: Your life, family, friends, children, pets, health, home, or job.  You may be thankful for your looks or intelligence, your creativity or talents, your contributions to the world, and your positive experiences in life. Keep a Gratitude Journal for a couple of weeks, and you will notice the positive changes in your life. You will have more energy, courage, and confidence than you can possibly imagine.

There you have it: The 3 Secrets of Invincibility. Remember these three steps to enhancing your Invincible Mind:

1.Give What you Want Most

2.Forgive Yourself

3.Practice Gratitude Daily

If you do these things on a consistent basis, you will increase your personal Invincibility, and you will enjoy the deepest fulfillment, joy, and love you can ever imagine.

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