The singles world often seems like a dating masquerade. People wear psychological masks that hide their true personalities so they can impress each other. Unfortunately, when the masks come off, they often find that they’re incompatible with each other. Now, disappointment and heartache sets in. It doesn’t have to be that way. On our latest Love University podcast, Dr. Avila’s explains how his classic LoveType system ( can help you quickly unmask potential romantic partners and find your most compatible soul mate.
For example, are you:
Introvert or Extavert?
Imaginative or Practical?
Thinker or Feeler?
Structured or Spontaneous?
These simple personality dimensions in the LoveType system will help you embrace your personality power and discover the love partner best suited for you.
Based on Dr. Avila’s extensive years of research into love personality compatibility (utilizing Myers-Briggs personality type theory), his revolutionary LoveType system can help you discover your romantic style and find the best partner for you. Listen as you discover your true nature and attract the ideal soul mate for you.