Do you truly love yourself? Not in an egotistical or narcissistic way, but in a way that is balanced, healthy, and nurturing? Many of us don’t. We have too many self-critical thoughts and inner attacking voices that tell us we’re not good enough, not smart enough, not attractive enough, and not lovable enough. Our guest on Love University podcast, Megan Logan, bestselling self-love expert, enlightened us on the secrets of having healthy self-love and recapturing your brilliance in life. Here are some of the techniques we learned in this revealing interview with Megan:
*Create a recipe for self-worth. In a journal, write down the ingredients that you need to feel good about yourself. Maybe you need 1 cup of authenticity, ½ teaspoon of speaking your mind, and 1 1/2 cup of believing in your dreams. Make your own self-love recipe and follow it so you can create a beautiful “You.”
*Do a Body Gratitude Scan. In front of a mirror, examine and be grateful for your body parts. Don’t linger on what you don’t like; focus on what you admire about yourself. Maybe it’s your eyes, lips, mouth, or other parts of your body. Be grateful for what you have and say, “Thank you body, for being me.”
*Say “No” to What You Don’t Want and “Yes” to What You Do Want. In other words, set firm and self-loving boundaries. If you are a people-pleaser or caretaker type, it may be hard for you to turn down requests from others. If so, you need to realize that if you burn yourself out by trying to do too much for too many people, you won’t have anything left in your self-love tank. When you feel overburdened about taking care of other’s needs, take time out to replenish yourself (get a massage, rest, exercise, enjoy fun times). Make sure you do the activities you really enjoy, regardless of whether you think you have time for them. You can make time for what you really want, especially when you say “No” to the time-wasters of life (excessive screen time; talking to negative people).
Yes, you can have a healthy and balanced self-love that is not overly indulgent or self-centered. By loving yourself, you will have more loving energy to extend outwardly to others. Also, you can accomplish more in your life, which can benefit many people. Think of all the people who are now missing out on the good you have to offer because you don’t have the confidence or motivation to go for your true dreams. Help them and help yourself with the ultimate gift of all: Authentic self-love.