Would you like to be rich beyond your wildest imagination? Rich in the material sense as in money, property, and fantastic life experiences. And, rich in the spiritual sense with wonderfully loving relationships, great health, peace of mind, and constant joy. If your answer is “yes,” then you can become rich and achieve true success and prosperity by following the secrets we learned on Love University, Invincible You, Special Edition, as follows:
*Follow the Loving Money Energy (LME) approach. Think of money as loving energy. When you do something you love for work, you receive appreciation in the form of money. Then, you use that money to buy goods and services from others as you express loving gratitude for what you receive from them. On and on, the loving money energy circulates and flows as it uplifts you, your loved ones, and everyone around you.
*Change your money story from Poverty to Prosperity. Perhaps, when you were growing up, you learned a Poverty Money Story from your parents or others (“Money doesn’t grow on trees”). If that’s the case, then you need to change it to a Prosperity Money Story, in which you believe that money is always circulating and coming to you. Repeat something like this on a daily basis: “I am rich, both materially and spiritually. I have great abundance and prosperity.”
*Access the feeling power of Reverse Loving Money Energy (RMLE). One of the great secrets of riches and abundance is to experience the feeling of having money (satisfied, content) before you have it. You will intentionally choose to experience feelings of joy and pleasure—as if you had already received the money or material benefit you desired. When you do this, you will have more motivation to work harder, to connect more with others, and to persevere to reach your financial and emotional goals.
*Maintain a Super Generosity Mindset. The richest people in life—both materially and spiritually—are often the most generous. They know that when they give abundantly to others without expecting anything in return, they are planting seeds of prosperity in the world. When you are generous, the seeds you plant will grow, and you will receive material prosperity, positive and meaningful coincidences, life-enhancing experiences, and above all, Love.
You can be rich in every way possible if you practice the tips you’ve just learned. When you see money as loving energy, maintain a positive money story (experiencing feelings of wealth), and give generously, you will attract more material and spiritual riches into your life. In the end, you will fully realize the true purpose of money: To bring more love and joy into your life and the lives of others. After all, Love is the greatest wealth of all.